About us

Preklade d.o.o.

Preklade d.o.o. is the largest producer with a long tradition of these products in Slovenia.

Company head office: PREKLADE d.o.o.
Address: Ptujska cesta 37, SI-2331 Pragersko

Reg. No.: 5794382000
Tax ID number: SI51911094
Taxable entity:YES
Bank account: SI56 0228 0025 4668 772 (NLB d.d., Ljubljana)

Legal organisational form: Limited Liability Company d.o.o. (družba z omejeno odgovornostjo)
Entry date of the subject into the court register: 10/09/1993

Branch office

We are located in two locations as of September 2022.

Preklade Pragersko

Besides prestressed brick liners, we also have ceiling beams, ISO panelling, ThermBloc and ISOattika elements in our production programme.

Preklade Lenart

Our production programme offers prefabricated concrete slabs and prefabricated concrete walls.


Personal contact is very important to us. You can rely on us as we do our work with dedication and sincere joy.
We are here for You.

Alexander Undeßer

Procurator and plant manager

Sabina Marajh

Civil engineer
Sales Manager for Pragersko and Lenart

Sabina Marajh

Civil engineer
Technical manager for Pragersko and Lenart

Sabina Marajh

Civil engineer
Production for Pragersko and Lenart

Tomaž Lukas

Head of production in Lenart

We are the largest producer with a long tradition of these products in Slovenia.

Ask us about our products. We will be happy to help you.

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